Florida remains number three (3) in the country for number of foreclosure filings, according to national statistics reflecting foreclosure filing in May. Nevada and Arizona were the only states that had more foreclosure filings than Florida in the month of May.
In May, one in every 174 Florida properties were in danger of falling into a foreclosure. The May foreclosure rate was actually higher than the foreclosure rate in the month of April. In April, one in every 182 Florida properties were in danger of falling into foreclosure.
However, it should be noted that in South Florida saw fewer foreclosure this past May as compared with May of last year. But the worst is far from over regarding the foreclosure crises, especially for those with adjustable rate mortgages. Now, and as will be discussed below, the recent disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, and massive oil spill, may impact future foreclosure filings as well.
On the other hand, while May saw less foreclosure filings this year as compared to last May, it still brought a spike in foreclosure filings as compared to April of this year. Put differently, there were more foreclosure filings in May than in April of this year. Overall, there were 7,700 foreclosure filings with one in every 127 properties receiving a foreclosure notice in South Florida.
The ongoing foreclosure crisis in South Florida may be further fueled by the oil from the Gulf of Mexico, especially if that oil makes its way onto South Florida’s beaches in a hurricane storm surge, or other natural catastrophe. If that were to happen, many homeowners would be faced with the difficult prospect of having to sell depressed property in a region that is beset by natural catastrophe.
If you are on the brink of foreclosure, and need to assess your legal rights, especially in light of the recent BP oil spill, please contact our office today.